In accordance with Law No. 8/2005 “Personal Data Protection Act”, Consumer Council is obligated to define the policy for protecting personal data when handling consumer disputes.
1. All personal data collected in relation to the complaint, enquiry, or suggestion case(s) can merely be accessed by the authorized staffs handling the case(s), and utilized for the following one or more purposes:
- To verify the identity of the person involved, and to contact the person involved.
- To liaise with the person involved when handling his/her complaint, enquiry, suggestion or the relevant administrative procedures. To comply with statutory obligations (Administrative Regulation no. 37/2023 and Law no. 9/2021 inclusive)
, the Council may transfer the personal data and documents provided by the person involved to the stakeholder (including the trader) or other persons that need to be contacted due to the process of case, or other entities, administrative institutions, judiciary institutions, etc..
- For consumer disputes involving region(s) outside of Macao, personal data and documents provided by the person involved will be referred to the enforcement authorities or entities in those region(s) for follow-up.
- For any other purposes in connection with preserving consumer rights and interests upon obtaining the consent of the person involved.
2. The person involved has the right to access and rectify his/her own personal data in the file related to him/her. A written request must be submitted to the Council when exercising the right to access; a written or in-person request must be submitted when exercising the right to rectify.